Utility Workers Rescue ‘Po.or Bear St.uck’ On A Power Pole!


Great job, They are amazing creatures ❤️🙏

Good thing someone came along!!! ♥️
That’s one lucky bear !!! Thank you so much Utility workers for caring enough to help this little guy out 🥰

A young brown bear got himself into quite a [ha.ir-raising] situation when he got stuck up a utility pole in Wilcox, Arizona. Luckily for the bear, a worker with a utility company spotted the bear in trouble and notified their supervisor for help. Lineman Warner Newbauer and Apprentice Lineman Gallego of Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Co-op were sent out to see if they could help the animal.

When we got there we found that the bear was in a very [dan.gero.us] situation and could get [it.self el.ectro.cuted] at any time. The lines near the bear’s head were energized with 7200 volts.
They immediately cut the power to the lines and then returned to the bear on the pole. The utility workers approached the bear from the basket of their boom truck.

Newbauer began to talk to the bear from around 6 feet away and used an 8-foot fibreglass stick to try and coax him down. The bear didn’t like that too much and kept grabbing the stick and biting it. But after a while, Newbauer was able to get the bear into a better position, and then he climbed down the pole on his own and ran away.

You can watch a video of the rescue below:

Thank You Thank You Thank so very much. This rescue can only be done by you guys. ❤❤
Hugs 🫂 🤗 and prayers for the utility workers and the [po.or] bear 🐻

Bless you all for helping that [po.or] bear. ❤️🙏🙏


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