Shark Swims Up To Diver For A Cuddle Whenever He Goes Diving!


They are still the best friend after decades 💚

Diver is being groomed until the shark is big enough to eat him. 🤗🥰🦈🤎
Mother nature at work, just like humans they have different feelings, moods, behaviors, and even anger issues, who really knows?

Rick Anderson is a human who is best friends with a Port Jackson shark. This shark buddy is a female with marks on her body. These marks are what allow Rick to identify his buddy. Whenever Rick wants to meet up with his shark friend, he has to dive into the ocean with an oxygen tank tapped onto his shoulder and a regulator in his mouth.

The shark has not been named yet and lives in the ocean off the coast of Nobbys Beach in New South Wales, Australia. Apparently, she always recognizes her human friend. Rick began playing with her many years (more than a decade) ago when she was merely a six-inch-long pup. He approached the creature slowly to make sure he didn’t take her by surprise and then patted her softly.

Rick share: I still cuddle with her when I have the opportunity. She is fit healthy and going strong. Always beautiful.

He’s such a sweetheart! ❤

After she was familiar with him, he then cradled her in his palm and whispered soothingly through his regulator. Rick continued to do this every time during the first season she was there. Throughout the following seasons, she managed to identify him and swim to him for a cuddle and pat. With time the shark got used to Rick and would swim up to him whenever he went past. Then she would tap him on his legs until he cuddled her.

Rick has been scuba diving for over 30 years now and he runs his own dive school. By sharing his story with the rest of the world, he hopes to reduce the [] that people have towards sharks.

Sooo, sweet. Love it. 🥰🦈🤎

Rick also dives with other shark varieties such as tiger sharks, bull sharks, hammerhead sharks, banjo sharks, grey nurse sharks, and even great whites. He even admits to feeling comfortable swimming with these magnificent creatures.

The little shark is so cute…..for shark. ❤

Just goes to show you that everybody needs love

A sweet little Shark needs some love 🙏🏻

Sea creatures have been revealing how independently different they are in personalities. Even a Shark can be friendly or show affection. Wild Dolphins and Seals have also been gentle and playful with humans as well on meeting. Animals are the best… 🥰🤎

H/t: Rick’s Dive School – Instagram: (@ricksdiveschool)


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