Sea sheep – The cutest sea creature with the same appearance as Pokémon!


They so cute not at all like the ones on land!

You have to say that it is unique sea slug. Beautiful picture of the sea slug.

You will be unable to resist these cute looks; do you want to have a “Pokemon” of this sea to raise?

It’s a sheep! It’s a cow! No, it’s Costasiella kuroshimae (or ‘Leaf Sheep’ for short), it is also known as the “solar-powered sea slug” – or, when scientists are feeling unkind, the “Sap-sucking sea slug”. This adorable little sea slug feeds on algae, just like the real thing, with its beady eyes and cute feelers make it look like a real cartoon sea sheep!

Sea Sheep can grow to be 5mm long and are one of the only sea creatures that can perform photosynthesis. When these strange animals eat algae, they suck out the chloroplasts and incorporate them into their own bodies through a process known as kleptoplasty, effectively turning them into solar-powered slugs!

These tiny nibblers have been discovered from Japan to Indonesia and the Philippines.

There are 284 known species of Sacoglossa sea slugs in temperate and tropical waters around the world, with only C. kuroshimae looking like an adorable cross between Shaun the Sheep and a Medusa. It can be found in the waters of Southeast Asia.

They come in literally all shapes, sizes, and colors, and you never know when you’re going to find a new one.

Sea Slugs of ALL sorts are awesome, the come in SO many different colours and shapes…!

God definitely had something to do with that color!

Why are we not researching how this little guy does this and replicate it for our own?

Do you think it looks like a cartoon cow?

H/t: Seaslugforum


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