Pair of critically ‘End.ang.ered’ Amur Leopard Cubs born at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo!


Wonderful births ! Need to protect all [end.ang.ered] species 🥰

Such a beautiful cub!!! 🧡🖤

Lucky cub in a zoo where care is given & protected from [da.nger] in the wilds!
Colorado Springs an important hub of rarest of big cat species
Colorado Springs’s Cheyenne Mountain Zoo welcomed a pair of Amur leopard cubs last Wednesday, adding to the population of one of the most [en.dang.ered] species in the world.

Amur leopards have been on the list of [critically end.ang.ered] animals since 1996 and are the rarest of big cat species, with only 100 or so estimated to be still alive, primarily in eastern Russia and western China, according to the “World Wildlife Fund”.

The births are the first in nearly 20 years of the leopards at the zoo, which is a participant in the Amur Leopard Species Survival Plan.

Cubs are born [bl.ind] and are extremely fragile in the first weeks and months of their lives, but the two Colorado natives came out at an average weight of two pounds and showed a quick instinct to nurse from their mother, Anya, said Rebecca Zwicker, animal care manager in “Asian Highlands at the CMZoo”.

Zwicker share: It always amazes me when a first-time mom embraces the role as naturally as Anya has. She’s a patient and attentive mom. She knows where those babies are at all times. There’s a lot of cuddling, grooming, nursing and cleaning going on, and we’re seeing Anya take time to groom and care for herself, which is equally important.

A remote camera monitors Anya’s den and the plan is to leave the new family alone for the first eight weeks. The father, Anadyr, won’t have an active parenting role for the cubs, which is typical for Amur leopards.

The zoo has a tradition of waiting 30 days to name a baby and the public will be informed when they are big enough to be made available for guests to visit them in the Asian Highlands exhibit.

Hope they have a good habitat there at zoo so they can thrive!

Hope he enjoys his new home where he will be safe and cared for many thanks to our zoo’s all over the world for keeping our animals safe and healthy ❤️ 🙏

Is there any sustenable plan to prepare them for returning to the wild?

Pray that they thrive and stay healthy 🤗❤️🙏

Congratulations they are Precious Babies ❤❤


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