Kenya Vets Saved A Elephant Sh.ot With A Poi.son.ous Arrow!


Do you know that k.i.lls an elephant every 15 minutes in Africa? This is te.rri.ble! 💔

An elephant cr.a.wled down after being [sh.o.t by a’s poi.son.ed] arrow in his hind leg, frustrated in before the dea.dly poi.son crept through the veins.

This elephant was at.tac.ked by ru.thl.ess hunters while roaming the savannahs of Kenya’s Tsavo National Park, hoping to rip off its tusks and se.ll them on the lucrative ivory market.

The majestic beast would have [di.ed a long] and de.ath if it hadn’t been for a team of brave veterinarians from the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and the Kenya Wildlife Service arriving in time to the arr.ow and gave him administer life-saving an.tibi.otics, it was critical to com.bat the poi.son.

The doctors are racing against the time to remove the arrow and clean the wo.und before it’s too late!

Poa.chers havetargeted the largest breeding males and the oldest females, who lead elephant arm.ies and have the largest tusks, reducing the elephant population to orp.haned groups, that are very vul.nera.ble and can not!

A male elephant’s tusks can weigh more than 250 pounds, and a pound of tusks can cost up to [$.1,5.0.0] on the black ma.rket. That means the tusk of this elephant could fetch up to [$.4.0.0,0.0.0]/

Fortunately, their tre.atm.ent worked, and the elephant was able to stand up after a while. 🙏😇💞

Ivory is valuable because ivory figurines are used as traditional gifts throughout Asia, particularly in China, as well as ivory chopsticks, hair ornaments, and luxury jewelry.

In some areas, ivory is thought to have mi.racu.lous powers and is ground into a powder and used to a variety of – at a high

What a pity for the elephants. People must stop ha.rming these magnificent creatures!!! 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻


This story is awesome! Please share it with everyone!!! 😍 💖 ❣️

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