Heard The Faint Cr.y, A Passerby Rescued A Fr.ozen, Bl.ind Cat From A Pile Of Tr.ash!


It was ter.rify.ing to be stuffed in a plastic bag, fortunately, she was saved!

Hopefully, those who do not like cats do not mi.stre.at this lovely creature. This kitten is very po.or; she was born bl.ind and was probably [mis.tre.ated] because of his unusual appearance!

Pa.ss.ers-by who he.ard this cat’s we.ak cr.y for help at the dump decided to stop and assist!

They immediately took her to the nearest animal shelter in Madera, California, where she was dried, heated, and fed. She was also medically examined, and it was discovered that she had [mi.crosc.opic eye dis.ea.se] in her eyes. As a result, her tiny eyes were no longer fully developed, which would eventually lead to bl.indness. A su.rgi.cal procedure may be required to completely protect her from future in.fec.tions.

They gave her the name Ilene, and after being cared for, she gradually became less afr.aid and revealed her true personality; she also learned to use her senses more effectively.

Ilene and her journey to regaining her life quickly became famous, and a flurry of adoption requests came to her, and her amazing adoption journey began with her new family from Pennsylvania to South Carolina. Anna Lundin and her three children arrived a few hours ahead of schedule to adopt this adorable kitty!

Anna expressed her he.artbre.ak at reading the story about the kitten, and they wanted to shower her with love and give her a true family!

Anna has experience caring for small animals and has health issues; they will look after the po.or little girl until she recovers!

Thank you for providing this sweet baby with the loving, caring, and protective forever home she deserves!


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