He Wandered The Streets Looking For Love While Ma.ggots De.voured Him!


So glad he received treatment and just look at him today…!

The po.or baby. He is a living miracle. He was a true warrior!

Rib was discovered wandering the streets of Campo Mourao, Parana, Brazil, with only skin and bones. It’s difficult to imagine what he had to go through during those co.ld, hu.ngry days sleeping by the roadside and searching the trash for food!

He was not only [se.ver.ely] malnourished as a result of st.arv.ation, but he also had nume.rous wo.unds from being be.a.ten. His condition is di.re. His body was covered in sor.es and sor.es, and he had lo.st most of his hair as a result. He had wo.rms and was [w.e.ak, hu.ngry, and ti.r.ed].

The rescue team decided to take Rib to the vet, they were also he.artbr.oken by his con.dition; it was one of the wo.rst cases they had ever tre.ated; they discovered maggots in his wo.und and discovered he was an.e.mic, as well as ticks and fl.eas.

Things couldn’t get any wo.rse for po.or dog Rib, and it was almost too much for him!

He was ter.rifi.ed at first, but thanks to the rescue team’s and veterinarian’s patience, he gradually received tre.atment and was placed in a foster family, where he was eventually able to feel secure and loved.

The miracle happened to the stray dog, Rib, who has gradually grown his hair back and has become more confident and active, especially now that he has a forever home where he can learn to trust people again and has no [fe.ar]!

Look at Rib’s dramatic transformation; it’s hard to see his si.ckly form before!
Thank you for your love, compassion and kindness for this precious dog.

He is a living Miracle. He was a fighter. He wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for our Wonderful God. He is absolutely beautiful.
God will bless your lives for giving him a home. 🏡 May God pour his richest blessings out on your family. 🥰🙏🙏🙏

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