That is amazing and awesome, they should name the forest after the boy! Thank you for saving the elephant…
Woman rescues an a.bu.sed Cat and treats him as if he were her Son!
Thank u to the person for loving him & giving him a home 🏡❤ Cats are extremely adorable, how…
The Elephant sheds tears as she is rescued after more than 70 Years in Cap.tiv.ity!
Elephants are wonderful animals so kind and loving! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for Sook Jai the 73 years old bl.ind…
Two Puppies Hugging Each Other Before Euthanasia, And Miracles Appear!
Wonderful save of these two sweet dogs. ❤️👌 Happy for them and their new owners. 🙏❤️ Perhaps no one…
The loving station Dog will always be in the hearts of Fir.efighters!
Such a well deserved memorial. 💔🐾💙🙏 What a beautiful memorial. May Negro forever watch over your entire family from…
Witness A Once-In-A-Lifetime Sighting Of Twin Baby Elephants In Kenya! baby elephant twins born in Kenya! How sweet ❤❤❤ Congratulations Mom…! 🎉🎊🐘🐘 Elephants are massive creatures with equally…
Orp.haned Elephants sympathize with a Baby Elephant that recently Mother!
Elephants are very loving, family oriented, compassionate animals who feel deeply! They are so family oriented taking care of…
The Man gave Baby Elephant CPR to save its life after a “Motorcycle Ac.cid.ent”!
Thankful 🐘 Bless it’s heart and the kind person that saved its life. 🙏🙏🙏 You’ve probably seen a lot…
Friendship doesn’t di.scr.iminate… Pit Bull Refuses to leave Shelter without Chihuahua!
Absolutely adorable…! Look at them faces! 🙏 He loves his little friend and companion he protects him. So adorable…
Fantastic occasion in Thailand, a herd of 50 Elephants Crosses a Highway!
They had the right too…amazing moment! 🐘🐘💕 It was most probably their highway, years ago, well before man concreted…