Well done that dog you are amazing ❤️ keep your babies safe 💗💞
A dog rescued seven [ne.ar-dy.ing] kittens from a sealed cardboard box in the woods. Her name is Banner. She brought a message to humanity with her warm heart, that animals also have love and benevolence.
Banner is a very dedicated and loyal service dog to his [di.sab.led] owner, Whitney Braley. She takes care of her master every day and warms Whitney’s soul with her warmth. Banner is not only a smart dog but also wholeheartedly helps other animals, even taking care of them through difficult times.
Whitney gave her 3-year-old Husky the name Banner when she was a puppy. Banner is personally trained by her master to assist her and the others. She learns very quickly and can do many things. She’ll even detect and warn about anxiety at.ta.cks, mi.gra.ines, se.lf-ha.rm, and more. She can get me.di.cine for the owner and remember things very well.
Banner is a good companion in animal rescues with its owners. She is particularly fond of the kitten, even nursing a bottle-fed kitten herself that was found in a ditch two years ago. At least ten different kittens over the years have been saved and raised by Banner until now.
Today’s scene is perhaps the most he.artbre.aking Banner and owner Whitney have ever encountered. In the forest appeared a sealed cardboard box. Banner discovers it and leads its owner into the forest. She immediately opened the box, and inside there were seven newborn kittens. They seem to be [d.yi.ng] of cold at only a day old. Whitney quickly pulled out the kittens one by one and warmed them up.
Some heartless person brought the kittens into the woods, closed the box, and left them to [fr..eeze to de.ath]. Somehow Banner spotted them even when they weren’t moving or meowing. Banner has since then, with a kind heart, adopted them as if they were her own. What a wonderful thing that Banner and the cats can continue their lives with a loving home.
You are a beautiful dog and a loving dog thank you for taking these little kittens into your home with you. 🌹❤🤘😘
May God bless you all 🙏🙏🙏