Meet the “Miracle” twin elephants born at Syracuse zoo!


Welcome miracle babies!❤️

Due to their rarity, the zoo staff was not anticipating twins when preparing for the mom, Mali, to give birth.
So glad she had twins! We need more elephants. 💕💕

Twin male Asian elephants have been born at the Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse.
Twins only account for 1% of elephant births worldwide, according to a news release from Onondaga County.

There has never been a recorded case of surviving elephant twins born in the United States, county officials said. Of the few twin pr.egn.ancies that happen, many calves are st.ill.born.

Since the birth of the calves, the zoo’s animal care staff has been monitoring the twins to ensure they are both thriving.
The first calf was born around 2 a.m. Oct. 24 with no complications. He weighed 220 pounds. And a second calf came 10 hours later. He weighed 237 pounds.
Because twins are so rare, the zoo staff was not anticipating twins when they were preparing for the mom, Mali, to give birth.

Justin Sayles share: The staff could not tell the elephant was having twins after the ultrasounds, Elephant ultrasounds cannot show the full image at once the way that ultrasounds on humans can. The staff thought the mother was just having a large baby.

Officials said: “The second calf was noticeably weaker at birth than the first twin but the zoo staff was quick to treat the animal and his condition drastically improved.

Zoo Director Ted Fox said: “I can’t commend my team enough for all they have done these past few weeks to ensure the care and safety of Mali and her twins.

They called the calves the “miracle” twins.

The two new additions bring the zoo’s elephant population to eight. The zoo is one of only eight accredited breeding facilities for the end.ang.ered Asian elephant population. Only an estimated 20,000 Asian elephants remain in the wild.

In December 2020, Mali and the twin’s father Doc their two other calves to Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpes [] (EEHV). The elephant population is now tested for EEHV twice a week.

Visitors will be able to see elephant twins at the Helga Beck Asian Elephant Preserve from 11-11:30 a.m. and 2–2:30 p.m. daily, according to county officials. Visitors can also see the elephants indoors at the Pachyderm Pavilion viewing.

Sayles said: The twins do not yet have names, They will have a naming competition in the coming weeks.

Since Twins usually have a connection & Elephant Twins are rare & Elephants are VERY family oriented…. WE HOPE these Twins are allowed to live out their lives TOGETHER. Humans sep.ara.ting them for our selfish “Zoos” … br.e.a.ks up families. 🐘🖤🙏🙏🙏
Good luck for the twins to thrive. 💕💕💕
H/t: Syracuse – Anne Hayes


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