THANK YOU for your heart of gold…! You ri.sked your life and saved this beautiful and ter.rif.ied puppy!! You…
Brave Mother Dog With A Br.o.ken Leg Gives Birth To Four Puppies On A Co.ld Concrete Floor!
Thank You for your kindness and compassion ❤️🐶❤️ What a lovely lass fig.hting to save her puppies, glad she… Golden Retriever With A 46-Pound Tu.mor Was Rescued And Able To Walk Again.
He was carrying an extra 46 pounds around due to a tu.mor growing on his side! Hope the ones…
After Mama Dog Was H.i.t B.y A Car During Labor, A Miracle Was Born!
Pray that mama and baby will be fine love and prayers sent…! She is a very strong little lady,she…
Vietnam Veteran Wishes To Reunite With His Dog At The Last Moment Of His Life!
This not only helped the man it let the dog say its good bye too…! A true love is…
Man Wheelbarrows His Dog Up His Favorite Mountain One Last Time!
Only fur baby moms & dads know the feeling.💔 It’s heartwarming to know that not all people suck! Sometimes…
Overjoyed Fostered Pit Bull Can’t Stop Kissing And Hugging Her New Dad!
That always makes me happy, when an animal is adopted! The lovely and affectionate actions of the beautiful pure…
Strange story: The store accepts str.ay Dogs from all over the City!
That’s absolutely awesome, thank you for doing that for the poor baby 👍💯❤️ On a 104 degree day, a…
Officers Their Lives To Save A Dog Tr.apped In Fre.ezing, Icy Water.
We can’t imagine how co.ld that water was, but these officers didn’t hesitate to jump in and save this…
They have already saved 45 Rhinos from being ‘po.ach.ed’!
Brave dogs and brave animal guardians! Animals protecting other animals against the sic.kness and of mankind. ❤️ Although…